Web-Based Intervention Using Behavioral Activation and Physical Activity for Adults With Depression (The eMotion Study): Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.
“I Don’t Believe in Leading a Life of My Own, I Lead His Life”: A Qualitative Investigation of Difficulties Experienced by Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors Experiencing Depressive and Anxious Symptoms.
Understanding the beliefs and attitudes towards mental health problems held by Muslim communities and acceptability of cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment: systematic review and thematic synthesis protocol.
Internet-Administered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Common Mental Health Difficulties in Parents of Children Treated for Cancer: Intervention Development and Description Study.
Adapting a guided low-intensity behavioural activation intervention for people with dementia and depression in the Swedish healthcare context (INVOLVERA): a study protocol using codesign and participatory action research.
Development and application of criteria to evaluate written CBT self-help interventions adopted by improving access to psychological therapies services.
How well do Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Activation for depression repair anhedonia? A secondary analysis of the COBRA randomized controlled trial.
Concerns experienced by parents of children treated for cancer: A qualitative study to inform adaptations to an internet-administered, low-intensity cognitive behavioral therapy intervention.
Cognitive behavioural therapy self-help intervention preferences among informal caregivers of adults with chronic kidney disease: an online cross-sectional survey.
Use and engagement with low-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy techniques employed within an app to support worry management: analysis of log data