Cedar Create

Success for Cedar Create and Psychology’s inaugural Psychedelics Summer School

Success for Cedar Create and Psychology’s inaugural Psychedelics Summer School


Published on 8 August 2024

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In collaboration with the Department of Psychology, Cedar Create recently delivered the first ever PGCert Psychedelics: Mind, Medicine and Culture Summer School. The event saw more than 35 students come together at Streatham Campus in Exeter from 10th to 12th July 2024.

There was much exciting content, from Exeter academics as well as guests such as David Luke (leading the breath work), Maria Papaspyrou, Julian Vayne (delivering a workshop on ‘Applied Psychedelic Animism’), with two evening integrative music sessions from Jonas Lorentzen, musician from Heilung, Nebala, and from the film, ‘The Northman’.

Dr Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes, Philosopher of Mind and Metaphysics, who led the event with the help of Dr Andy Letcher and Dr Leor Roseman, said:

“This first ever Exeter psychedelic summer school was a real success: the students were lovely, engaged, knowledgeable; Cedar Create were admirably efficient with the logistics and support; and the guest experts offered a richly varied range of topics and activities that made for an engaging and memorable three-day experience.”

The students really enjoyed meeting in person and provided great feedback after the event:

“Awesome experience. Great to actually spend time together and bond as a cohort, sharing experiences together. Also great to meet the faculty too and hang out with the guest speakers & Jonas”

For more information, please contact createprojects-cedar@exeter.ac.uk.